April Dubois Net worth

Who Is April Dubois? April Dubois is an American public figure born in 1963. The education information April is all about her primary education in her hometown. Many believe ’Dubois’ is a French word therefore, she is of French descent but she is American based on her national identity.

April Dubois Profile

  • Full name: April Eloise Dubois
  • Date of birth: 1963
  • Age 59 years old
  • Nationality: American
  • Marital status: Divorced
  • Ethnicity: African-American
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April Dubois Wife

April Dubois was not a state celebrity until she got married to a man called Wesley Snipes in the year 1985. There are lots of problems and confusion in marriage sometimes, and these two couples could not understand each other. Wesley’s workload increased in the film industry and that became a challenge in their marriage.  They got devoice in the year 1990 but had a child named Snipes Jelani.

April Dubois should have exposed some stories of her personal life during her lonely life but, none has been heard about her life.  After stepping away from the spotlight, she focused on raising her kid while continuing her career in business

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April Dubois Net worth

April Dubois became a director alongside her son Jelani, in her new working company. April Dubois net worth as in 2022 is anticipated to be about $10,000,000.


April has not made any information concerning her education after primary education. Also, there is no info about her parents. April has one child, had a short marriage with Wesley Snipes.  She is a single woman as at now and no info has been released about her being into a new relationship or not. Much information has not been to the public about April.


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