Home Facts And Lifehacks GRA Boss Salary: The Benefits and High Salary of Rev. Ammishaddai Owusu-Amoah...

GRA Boss Salary: The Benefits and High Salary of Rev. Ammishaddai Owusu-Amoah Revealed


The Commissioner-General of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), Rev. Ammishaddai Owusu-Amoah, is one of the highest-paid government appointees in Ghana. According to recent reports, Owusu-Amoah earns a monthly salary of GHS 137,794 as of December 2023, making him the second highest-paid appointee after the Governor of the Bank of Ghana.

GRA Boss Salary

In addition to this high monthly basic salary, Owusu-Amoah enjoys numerous allowances and benefits as outlined below:

  • Housing allowance of GHS 6,000
  • Home enhancement allowance of GHS 2,000
  • Travel per diem of $1,500
  • Clothing allowance of GHS 10,000
  • Free medical care for spouse and children
  • Annual mandatory medical examination
  • GHS 2,000 for yearly replacement of lenses
  • Inconvenience allowance of GHS 500 per day
  • Responsibility allowance of GHS 1,500 per month
  • Monthly entertainment allowance of GHS 1,500
  • DSTV Premium Service of GHS 700
  • Official vehicle plus monthly fuel coupons
  • Private car loan
  • Vehicle maintenance allowance of GHS 1,000 per month
  • 3 personal security guards
  • 20% salary increase per annum
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With all these allowances and benefits factored in, experts estimate Owusu-Amoah’s total monthly earnings could be well over GHS 300,000. This is an income level that would take an average Ghanaian worker several lifetimes to attain.

Many Ghanaians have expressed surprise and disbelief at the level of income and benefits enjoyed by the GRA boss. However, the government maintains that a high salary is necessary to attract and retain the best talent for the role.

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The high earnings of the GRA boss and other top government appointees continue to fuel debate around compensation levels in the public sector. While the government defends the salaries as justified, critics argue that they are exorbitant, especially in light of Ghana’s struggling economy and high cost of living for regular citizens. The debate around the issue is likely to continue as government appointee salaries remain opaque.

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