Home Facts And Lifehacks How To Prepare Hausa Koko In Ghana

How To Prepare Hausa Koko In Ghana


Hausa Koko is a local porridge common among the Hausa people. The people in Ghana are virtually Muslims and are mostly situated or found in the Northern part of the country.

Hausa Koko is preferably taken in the morning as breakfast with either bread, groundnuts, or choice. It is made from millet and spices, it is creamy and has a smooth texture. It is sometimes referred to as millet porridge.

How To Prepare Hausa Koko In Ghana

Ingredients For Hausa Koko

  • Millet soaked in water overnight
  • Water
  • Sugar
  • Gloves
  • Ginger
  • Guinea pepper
  • African Nutmeg
  • Black peppercorn
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Method Of Preparation

How To Prepare Hausa Koko In Ghana
How To Prepare Hausa Koko In Ghana
  • Wash the soaked millet under cold water
  • Add cloves, black peppercorn, African nutmeg, garlic, ginger, guinea pepper, and the millet in a blender and add water.
  • Strain the mixture with a colander and add more water into the bowl.
  • Leave the mixture in the bowl for an hour or overnight for it to settle and ferment.
  • Carefully strain the water off the settled mixture into a pan, leaving the millet paste.
  • Place your strained water on the fire to boil vigorously and then reduce the heat.
  • Stir the water for some time and add the millet paste and stir for 5 minutes.
  • Take it off the fire and add your sugar and serve.

Your hausa koko is ready to be enjoyed with bread, koose or groundnuts.

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How To Make Koose In Ghana

Koose, also known as Akara is a spicy beans cake made in Ghana and usually enjoyed with Hausa Koko.

How To Prepare Hausa Koko In Ghana


  • Black-eyed beans
  • Onions
  • Water
  • Egg
  • Salt
  • Vegetable cooking oil
  • Ginger
  • Scotched bonnet pepper

Method Of Preparation

  • Soak the beans in water for about 30 minutes and remove the skin.
  • Transfer into a blender and blend until very smooth.
  • Add a little salt, onion, scotch bonnet pepper, and ginger, and blend.
  • Heat the vegetable oil in a saucepan until hot.
  • Using a tablespoon, scoop the batter into the hot oil
  • Allow to fry for 4 minutes and turn in the oil.
  • Ensure they are evenly browned and remove from oil.
  • Allow to drain on a paper towel and serve.

Serve koose with your hausa koko for breakfast.

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How do you make neat Hausa Koko?

Check how to make neat Hausa Koko here

How is Hausa Koko made?

It is made from millet and spices, it is creamy and has a smooth texture. It is sometimes referred to as millet porridge.

How is millet porridge prepared?

Check how millet porridge is prepared here

Which type of millet is used for Hausa Koko?

300g of pearl or bajra millet. ¼ tsp of black peppercorn.

What is the health benefit of millet?

Millet is a good source of protein, fiber, key vitamins, and minerals. The potential health benefits of millet include protecting cardiovascular health, preventing the onset of diabetes, helping people achieve and maintain a healthy weight, and managing inflammation in the gut. Millet is an adaptable grain

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