What does TBH mean in texting?

Abbreviated words are mostly used in text messages to friends or any other co-equal person. Short text words are used informally.  Short words texting was referred to as Short Message Service (SMS). The abbreviated language and slang known as SMS language, textspeak, or texting language were frequently used with mobile phone text messaging in the late 1990s and early 2000s, as well as on occasion with Internet-based communication tools like email and instant messaging.

Early mobile phone messaging features prompted people to shorten words. Because messages could only typically be 160 characters long and text entry required many keys pushes on a tiny keypad, 2G technology made text entry challenging. Additionally, the SMS language made it easier to write text messages and prevented mobile network providers from charging extra for texts longer than 160 characters.

Examples of short text message

It is no longer necessary to use SMS language because of the development of touchscreen phones with large screens, swipe-based input techniques, and increasingly sophisticated autocomplete and spelling suggestion functionality, as well as the rising popularity of free instant messaging apps like WhatsApp over SMS that charge per message. Different textspeak acronyms, though, are still widely used.

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TTYL: talk to you later, TMI: too much information, YOLO: you only live once, THX: thanks, SO: significant other, TBH: to be honest, ROFL: rolling on the floor laughing, OMW: on my way, OTOH: on the other hand, OMG: oh my God, NVM: never mind, NSFW: not safe for work, NP: no problem, NBD: no big deal, LOL: laughing out loud, LMK: let me know, JK: just kidding, IRL: in real life, IMO: in my opinion, BC: because, CYA: see ya, DM: direct message, etc.

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What does TBH mean in texting?

TBH is also one of the texting abbreviations. TBH means To Be Honest.  One thing about abbreviated words is, they have limitations because not all people are familiar with these abbreviations. Therefore, they are used by people who are used to them.

Source: Xorlali.com


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