Rupiah Banda's wife

Is Rupiah Banda still alive? Rupiah Banda is not alive. He died on 11th March 2022 of colon cancer in Lusaka. He was 85 years old when he died. Banda left behind 7 children and his second wife Thandiwe Banda.

Rupiah was the fourth president of Zambia. He served as president of Zambia for 3 years, from 2008 to 2011. He took over from the late president Levy Mwanawasa.

Before he was voted into power as president of Zambia, he was the vice president to Levy Mwanawasa who died of a stroke in August 2008. Banda also held many diplomatic posts such as ambassador to Egypt.

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In 2011 he got defeated by his opponent Michael Sata, leader of the opposition Patriotic Front in the 2011 presidential elections. The net worth of Rupiah Banda as of his death is estimated to be $5million. This money he made from his career as a politician and president.

Rupiah Banda Cause of death

On 12th March 2022, the sad news of Rupiah Banda’s death broke the internet. The cause of Rupiah’s Death was diagnosed to be colon cancer.

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Rupiah banda education

Rupiah Banda attended Munali Secondary School for his high school education. After high school, he went to study at the University of Addis Ababa in Ethiopia as a scholarship student. In 1964, Banda earned a BA in Economic History from Lund University, Sweden. He however moved back to his hometown Zambia for a course in Diplomacy and International Relations at the National Institute for Public Affairs (NIPA).


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