How do I apply for a US visa in Ghana? It is the dream of most Ghanaians to travel overseas. Most aspire to travel to countries like The UK, U.S, and Canada. Most European and American countries require visas from Ghanaian travelers except those with a Visa-free agreement in Ghana.

How To Apply For U.S Visa In Ghana

The U.S isn’t an exception, the government of The U.S demands a visa from a Ghanaian before he or she can be granted access to their state. Ghanaians travel to the Us for reasons such as education, employment, and healthcare.

The U.S visa has been categorized into The Immigrant and Nonimmigrant Visa. The processes involved in getting a visa to appear stringent however with tactical efforts, a Ghanaian could get a visa.

Getting a US visa depends on your nationality, purpose and other requirements deemed appropriate to The US Consular in Ghana. According to the Consular, Ghanaians applying must meet all demands of the Visa type they want.

And it is the duty of the US Consular to determine based on law after your application whether you are eligible to receive a visa and of which visa category is appropriate.

How To Apply For US Visa In Ghana

These are a few guidelines on how to apply for a UK visa in Ghana

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You must possess a passport valid for travel in the US

You are advised to apply in your country of nationality or residence which is Ghana. A legal resident(foreigner) in Ghana can also apply.

Now, to get a US visa, you must apply electronically using the online nonimmigrant and immigrant application on The embassy’s website. Before you start your application, learn more about US visas, use only internet explorer 11 or higher, Firefox, or Google Chrome 58, gather your documents and review the instructions on the visa application.

You can be aided with your electronic application however the “Sign application button” must be clicked by you. Kindly do well to pen down your application ID which is always on top of the page.

It shall be required the next time you want to log in. Be cautious to save your application as it may not be saved by the Consular.

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Qualified applicants shall have a scheduled appointment with the Consular. You are however admonished to watch a video on the embassy’s website.

Please do so as it shall inform you on how to comport yourself. However, due to unpleasantries, if your scheduled appointment is postponed, you shall be informed by the Consular(do well to be reviewing your application).

Also, nite that visa applications are processed by The Department Of Hosted Prioritization Guidance( so read more about it). Certain applicants may not require an interview for the Visa and those are Ghanaians who have been issued a nonimmigrant and immigrant visa after turning 14 years of age.

Visa application fee which shall be revealed to you during your electronic application must be paid using available payment methods. Your payment can be forfeited if you do not appear before the panel of interviewers on your scheduled appointment.

However, if your scheduled appointment is postponed, you shall be informed appropriately by the Consular and be scheduled on the next available appointments.

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For academic and other issues that require am immediate authorization of visa, the Consular can do nothing about it. You are however advised to hold a lobby with your academic institution to reschedule you for the next academic year. Occasionally review your application to check for the latest news and updates

U.S. visa requirements in Ghana

What are the documents required for applying for US visa? Below are the U.S visa requirements in Ghana;

  • Original passport with a six-month validity beyond expected arrival date in the USA.
  • All old passports.
  • One photograph per specification. …
  • DS160 US Visa application confirmation page stamped at the Visa Application Center (VAC)
  • Proof of fee payment, which is a valid receipt.
  • Printout of US interview appointment letter.


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