Is Sally Field still alive?

Who Is Sally Field? Sally Field is a popular American actress known to be sexually abused by her stepfather in the year 2018.

Sally Field

Sally is also known for marrying more than one husband. Many of you are searching to know if Is Sally Field still alive? Worry no more as this article will talk a little about Saly Field biography, Sally Field net worth 2021, career, and family so stay glue!

Summary profile

  • Name: Sally Margret Field
  • Date of birth: November 6, 1946 
  • Age: 74years
  • Place of birth: Pasadena, California
  • Career: Actress
  • Height:5 ft 2 in (1.59 m)
  • Net worth 2021: $55 million

Sally Field biography

Sally Field was born on the 6th November 1946 to Richard Dryden Field and Magaret Field in Pasadena California. Field’s father was an army officer who served in the Army during World War II but he and Sally’s mother divorced in 1950. This made Magret remarry making Sally have a stepfather called Jack Mahoney.

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Sally Field had her basic and college education at Portola Middle School and Birmingham High School in Van Nuys. During her high school days, she was made a cheerleader. She was in class with some famous personalities such as financier Michael Milken, actress Cindy Williams, and talent agent Michael Ovitz.


Sally Field stands at a height of 5 ft 2 in (1.59 m)

Is Sally Field still alive?


Sally Field is an actress and a director who has starred in many movies since she started acting. In her career, she has been award several times like in 2014 she won the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Some of these movies include;

  • Back Roads
  • Hello My Name Is Doris
  • Kiss Me Goodbye
  • Absence of Malice
  • Smokey And The Bandit
  • SoapDish
  • Mrs. DoubtFire
  • Punchline
  • Murphy’s Romance
  • Forrest Gump
  • Lincoln
  • Steel Magnolias
  • Place In The Heart
  • Norma Rae
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Sally Field net worth 2021

How much is Sally Field worth? Sally Field as at the time of writing this post was worth a sum of $55 million. All this she earns from acting and directing movies.


The actress has married more than once but her first marriage was to  Steven Craig in 1968. They had two kids who were all boys called Peter Craig, a novelist, and screenwriter; and Eli Craig, an actor, and director before separating in 1975.

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She remarried to Burt Reynolds just years after divorcing Craig. The couples met during a film shot but their marriage didn’t last as they separated for Field to marry Alan Greisman in 1984.

Is Sally Field still alive?

According to news that circulated on ctober 29, 1988 Sally Field and other team members were involved in an aircraft slamming in Aspen-Pitkin County Airport at Colorado. The was a result of lost power and aborted takeoff.

The good news was that none of them died which leads to the answer that YES! Sally Field is still alive.


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