Morton L. Janklow

Morton l. Janklow Net Worth, age, wife, height, weight, and other interesting fact about the famous New York literary. In this post, we will look at how much Morton l. Janklow Worth, How is old is Morton l. Janklow and who is Morton l. Janklow wife.

Morton l. Janklow Biography

Morton l. Janklow is a popular literary agent who was born on 30th May 1930 in the United States of America.

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Morton l. Janklow Age

He is 90 years old as he was born on 30th May 1930.

Morton l. Janklow Net Worth

What is Morton l. Janklow Net Worth? Morton l. Janklow Net Worth 2022 is estimated to be $1.5 million making him one of the richest literary agents and most popular literary agent in the world.

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Who is Morton l. Janklow wife?

Before his demise he was not married.So let’s take it that he was single since he didn’t show any woman to his fans as his girlfriend or wife.

Morton l. Janklow cause of death

The popular literary agent died of heart failure on Wednesday 25th May 2022 in his house in New York. His death was announced by Bagoor who is the president of Bagoor public relations. They both worked together.


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